Afonso & Afonso, LLC., Attorneys at Law i Elizabeth

Forenede StaterAfonso & Afonso, LLC., Attorneys at Law



🕗 åbningstider

544, Elizabeth Avenue, 07206, Elizabeth, Union County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 908-354-9094
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.655441, Longitude: -74.199555

kommentar 5

  • D P

    D P


    Great lawyers and even better people. Trust them with all my legal needs. highly recommend!

  • en

    Steven Sintra


    I have worked with Jubilo at Afonso & Afonso Law several times over the last few years and they have always been fantastic! They are fast, responsible, trustworthy and always had my best interest in mind. Their service was so great just recommended them to my parents.

  • en

    Ron K


    Nuno and the team at Afonso & Afonso were spectacular. They made us feel very comfortable and made sure there weren’t any surprises with our case. Highly recommend Afonso & Afonso for your legal needs!

  • en

    Katia Damaso


    Excellent Lawyers!!! I highly recommend Afonso & Afonso. Not only do they get great results but both the attorneys and staff are very professional and treat their clients as a top priority.

  • en

    Jonathon Reggio


    Nuno and his team did a great job for me. They were in constant contact with me keeping me up to speed on everything I needed to know. I would highly recommend Afonso & Afonso for legal services.

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