Affordable Mobility Solutions w Wichita

Stany ZjednoczoneAffordable Mobility Solutions



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1320, East Kellogg Drive North, 67211, Wichita, Sedgwick County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 316-262-8267
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.6791293, Longitude: -97.3215389

komentarze 5

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    Jeremiah was strat forward on everything about the van. He even called me the day before driving there to let me know that the check engine light had came on and what it took to fix it so when I drove 3 hours there where no surprises. Great comunication and will definitely use him and send anyone who needs a handicapped van to him.

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    Haruki Marks


    I live in the Houston area. I found Jeremiah to have the best prices on conversion vans. He made videos of the vehicles he has and you'll deal directly with him, I like that. I went to his lot and looked at a few vans. I found one with folding jump seats but wanted to buy another one that didn't have those seats. Jeremiah sold me the van I wanted and ordered the jump seats for me. All for an excellent price! But here's the kicker... when the parts came in, he delivered them to me in Houston! I highly recommend doing business with Jeremiah and his company. He's honest, no BS approach is refreshing. He does what he says! Tell him I sent you!

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    Cathy Peters


    Affordable Mobility Solutions delivered ... in every regard. While buying a mobility van sight unseen from thousands of miles away was initially scary for us, AMS's Jeremiah Coleman put us at ease with his extensive videos and personal assurances. Our new (used 2007) van arrived at our California home on a vehicle hauling trailer in just a few days and we have been entirely pleased with the condition, mechanical and otherwise. We really appreciate Jeremiah's patience with our long line of questions. He gave us an excellent price on the van and we would highly recommend Jeremiah's dealership to anyone looking for mobility solutions for their loved one. Thank you Jeremiah Coleman!

  • Tracy Barr

    Tracy Barr


    Jeremiah is amazing. I contacted him on advice for my son’s truck that needs a new transmission and had another shop quote me an astronautical price to have it rebuilt. Miah was able to get me connected with another local business that is able to get my son’s truck running for way less. He goes above and beyond. I highly recommend him for any auto needs!

  • Steve Brennecke

    Steve Brennecke


    We came to Affordable Mobility Solutions with two huge problems: 1. We needed a wheelchair-friendly vehicle, as my wife's MS had progressed to the point where it was becoming difficult to transfer to and from our van, and 2. We needed something affordable. Affordable Mobility Solutions solved BOTH problems in one simple transaction. We did our research and watched the website. We called when we found the van we wanted. It arrived yesterday and we are SO thankful. We heartily recommend Jeremiah and the Affordable Mobility SOLUTION!

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