Advantage 1 Loans w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneAdvantage 1 Loans



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547, East Sahara Avenue, 89104, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-734-7135
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1433656, Longitude: -115.1492199

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sean Smith


    I have had payday loans in the past and the customer service made you feel a lil emberassed about goin into the places but since i have been with advantage 1 jocelyn i think that her name has been a great blessing to know she has always made me feel comfortable and explained how the loan works very easily to me i strongly recommend this company to anyone whos going through a tough time definately a place worth checkin out if you need a lil help the loan is great but the customer service is exceptional....

  • en

    George Boyer


    The ladies working the front are always a pleasure to do business with, very polite and personable. Keep it up ! - Ash




    I absolutely love the girls that run the place. Very prompt fast friendly smart. They are a pleasure to do business with.

  • en

    Dustin Prine


    Have to get my payroll checks for this business. At first hand knew only after the second time I went to The Establishment to pick up my check. That it is not a place you want to frequently visit considering that somehow that that strip businesses allowed vagrants to harass their customers. Coming from the first time visited place was at first confused where to go assuming dad one standing around the businesses would know something about them. After getting no help in finding my way to it that same individual had no problem asking me for money. To conclude the next week same same happened knowing that the convention workers pick up their payroll checks there you will find at least one of the closest residence there to help you out with the hassle of your income you work hard for. On top of their interest rates for cashing the checks are ridiculous compared to money tree and probably several other places assuming you cannot go to a casino and that is even with the discount cashing my payroll check with certain companies through them otherwise the ladies attending the windows are very helpful nice and professional just a bad location or could be management

  • Ken Tibbs

    Ken Tibbs


    I had fantastic service at Advantage 1 Loans. Very top notch group of ladies working there. I've been using Advantage for my financial needs for awhile now and have never had a bad experience. I cash my paychecks there and also get a fast cash loan from time to time when money is tight. I also sold them some gold and various jewelry I had lying around. They pay you cash on the spot which is nice. They have also helped me wire money across the country to my sister. If your in need of a cash loan or might have a need for any of their other financial services then visit them and get the help you need.

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