Advanced Specialties Inc en Lodi

Estados UnidosAdvanced Specialties Inc



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114, Essex Street, 07644, Lodi, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-843-2067
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8930259, Longitude: -74.0741188

comentarios 5

  • Edwin Jansen

    Edwin Jansen


    Owner/operator very knowledgable. Great selection and also on Amazon.

  • Matthew Veeneechei

    Matthew Veeneechei


    Very knowledgeable and friendly guy, wide stock of antenna/CB/Ham Equiptment.

  • en

    Wesley George


    Because the selections where great

  • patrickwelch



    Always helpful and knowledgeable. Great prices.

  • David J. Williams

    David J. Williams


    I was looking to upgrade from a Radio Shack scanner to a Yaesu transceiver for monitoring railroad radio for my railfanning hobby. I called Advanced Specialties Electronics after browsing their website and told the owner what I was looking for.....He replied that he had a particular Yaesu transceiver in stock that is popular with trainbuffs......a Yaesu I drove down and visited the showroom. The owner answered my questions regarding the transceiver and showed me some accessories including upgraded antennas and fast chargers and I purchased some of those along with the radio. I was in and out in 15 minutes or so.......and pleased with the service I received......There are not too many businesses out there geared specifically to scanners and amateur radio equipment.....I did an online search for Yaesu dealers and found only 5 or 6 dealers within a 250 mile radius of where I live with only two of these within 40-50 miles......Advanced Specialties also does business online through its website and ships orders for those unable to visit the showroom. The owner mentioned that he has been in business at that location for over 20 years.....I spoke with other trainbuffs after my purchase and they recommend him as well as they have purchased radios and equipment from Advanced Specialties as well.

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