Advanced DDS / Dr. Brian Raskin w Garden City

Stany ZjednoczoneAdvanced DDS / Dr. Brian Raskin



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200, Garden City Plaza, 11530, Garden City, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-204-4723
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Latitude: 40.7375675, Longitude: -73.6165145

komentarze 4

  • en

    joe perr


    I have been using Advanced DDS (Dr. Raskin) for over 33 years.! His office is state of the art, his staff is knowledgeable, friendly and well trained to answer all your questions. His dental technicians are amazing. Gentle, re assuring, and very thorough. Dr. Raskin by far is the best in his field and I highly recommend his's not really a "practice" as he gets it right and has it perfected...

  • Chamaine Collazo

    Chamaine Collazo


    "The Jury's still out!!" My experience was exactly the same as Julie Napolitano's except that I provided my insurance card and information 3 days prior to appointment. Yes, Advanced DDS looks like a spa for your teeth which I don't mind because I insist on taking as good care of my teeth that I do for my eyes, hair, skin & nails. However, I was annoyed and put off by the finance clerks toward the end of my tour. She insisted that my insurance was out of network, she didn't know if my insurance covered 100% of the service and couldn't get the cost per service from my insurance company. Well, I sat in front of her and called my insurance company myself and they were happy to provide the information but also suggested that Advanced DDS do a submit a pre-determination so I would know exactly how much I would be responsible for. They promptly rescheduled my appointment for a routine exam with Xrays for a different day. The experience left me with a bad taste. It appears that for all the modern spa like amenities Advanced DDS is more interested in the bottom line $$.

  • en

    Sharon Morris


    It was great.

  • en

    J. Nap


    I SHOULD'VE LISTENED TO THE HORRIBLE REVIEWS BEFORE WASTING MY TIME HERE!!! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!! …I made an emergency appt at Advance DDS earlier this wk after I got a bad infection & needed a root canal. I only went here because they advertised that they did IV sedation & i was petrified of being awake for this root canal due to the pain I was in. I was already burned from another dentist, (Dr. Rory Stutman in Massapequa), so I called here & got the info 1st before going in. Secretary here told me IV sedation was $350 & that they took my insurance. I was totally fine w/the $350 out of pocket for the sedation & actually thrilled. Well….let me TELL YOU….I was in for a TOTALLY different experience when I walked in. 1st of all, when you walk in this place you feel like you're on vacation w/their whole set up they've got going on… I had 3 different "concierge" girls show me their "beverage center", offer me drinks while I wait, give me "tours of the office" & try to upsell me different things. I told them very politely several times, "I don't have a million dollars to spend here & I just want a root canal & IV sedation." They walked me into my "private suite" where I had a HUGE gift bag and a "welcome pack" waiting for me on a private couch & 2 different girls told me this was my "New patient welcome gift." Inside of it was a mouthwash, tooth paste & a huge, velour blanket with "Advance DDS" on it. I thanked them & couldn't believe the special treatment, but also started getting a little nervous that they expected more $ from me. Long story short, after meeting with Dr. Tony Thomas and going over my root canal and IV sedation, I was walked back to the counter to book my appt. Well, the secretary there, "Maria Andramuno", then prints me up a bill for $3,305!!! I reminded her that I have insurance that they take and she says "yes, but we need this from you." I asked her to clarify again and she insisted that I have to pay them $3,305!!! I WAS TOTALLY IN SHOCK!! Maria was also rude and n insisted that this was fair like I was crazy!! UNLESS YOU HAVE TONS OF MONEY TO BLOW FOR NO REASON, GO ELSEWHERE!! DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME HERE LIKE I DID!!! ….By the way, I then found Dr. Gottlieb in Levittown and he did an AMAZING job on my root canal this week - NO pain and I didn't have to pay even $1 there!! He took my insurance in full and didn't BS me like Advance DDS did!!

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