Advance Auto Parts w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneAdvance Auto Parts



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6120, Fresh Pond Road, 11379, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-366-5030
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.713873, Longitude: -73.9015977

komentarze 5




    Every time I come here, excellent service and I can always count on the staff to help me find what I’m looking for.

  • Pawel Pajda

    Pawel Pajda


    not a lot parts in stock staff could use some professional training

  • Dj Moe

    Dj Moe


    Small parking space but staff was good.

  • Samuel Wong

    Samuel Wong


    I order from AAP online and pickup at this store because you get better prices online with coupons. AAP online says this store closes at 9pm. I got there at 8:10 and found the doors closed. This store closes at 8pm Mon-Thur. 8PM!! Bought a battery and no vent hole elbows are included even though battery has vent holes. Spoke to someone on the phone at the store who said they don't carry the elbows or sell them. When I returned my core battery, I asked again because I really need the elbow (battery goes under rear seats). The person I spoke to on the phone overhead me asking the other employee and got rude with me stating "I told you already," restating what he said on the phone, that he was the manager, and that he can't help me with the elbow piece. I prefer the Pepboys 1/2 block down. Pepboys' employees are much much more friendlier.

  • en

    Girma Frederick


    They never have online order parts ready for pick up! I never ever received a ready for pick up email. I have ordered online for pick up at this location multiple times and they run around the store looking for the item when I get there to pick it up. If the item is out of stock, they insist that I get a different but similar product such as a different "better" battery.

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