Advance Auto Parts en Rocky Point

Estados UnidosAdvance Auto Parts



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381, New York 25A, 11778, Rocky Point, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-821-3707
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9457645, Longitude: -72.940578

comentarios 5

  • Scorpioking101



    Great service had to pick up some brake pads they got it right on the 1st try I'm used to autozone giving me brake pads and I always having to take them back for the right kind

  • Thomas Malenich

    Thomas Malenich


    I almost always find what I need here.

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    Nicholas Castelli


    Helpful and courteous changed my car battery right away. O.K.

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    Douglas Toth


    Knowledgeable staff. Large inventory. Great service.

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    John Martocello


    After checking the closing time of this shop i had an hour left until they close. I had walked into the shop and not even 2 steps in the women cashier screams an expletive at me followed by "we are closed" even though their website had clearly said they were not closing for another hour. I froze with disbelief, turned around and walked out. I love advanced auto. I think their system is great for getting what you need and getting out as well as the staff normally being very helpful if needed. As a part time mechanic who works in the area i can say unfortunately they have lost my business.

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