Adline Hot Wings Express w Memphis

Stany ZjednoczoneAdline Hot Wings Express



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2736, James Road, 38128, Memphis, Shelby County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 901-357-2515
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.2005155, Longitude: -89.958

komentarze 5

  • Sabreena Mohr

    Sabreena Mohr


    Wings taste better when they first opened. But food is always hot and fresh.

  • Brendiva Love

    Brendiva Love


    Establishment was clean. Fast,professional service too. The wings were very tasty. I will visit again.

  • Cherris C

    Cherris C


    Calling ahead gets you nothing. When you get there and pay for your food then your order is supposedly prepared. Once you pay for your order and the waitress brings it to the counter she opens it and you look at it and it looks good, my hot wings looked good. But once I got home and tasted the good-looking hot wings I found them to be old, dried out, microwaved and yulk. There is a notice posted that reads, no refunds. I can definitely see why that is posted because anybody with common sense would want their money back when they got home and tasted those good looking bad tasting dried out hot wings. That was my first time there and it will be my last time. I do not recommend this restaurant

  • Adriel James

    Adriel James


    Order my wings and they were ready in 10 minutes. Regular hot was just enough kick to not make them unbearable to eat. Decent customer service. No one was rude and no one was overly nice, is what I would expect from a fast food place...

  • Deonte Davis

    Deonte Davis


    Good food be customers service sucks. You can call in and still get to the place and wait A hour. They also don't like picking up the phone I love to support my own kind,but if you have poor CUSTOMER service I can't spend my money with you sorry

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