Ada's Restaurant & Bar w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneAda's Restaurant & Bar



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5910, Phinney Avenue North, 98103, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 206-397-3253
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.6721422, Longitude: -122.3541622

komentarze 5

  • en

    Julia Liang


    Actually I do like the restaurant decor, simple style. The food: the carzer salad is a 4 Star just need a bit more lemon source; the flatbread is great almost perfect; the spaghetti is 3.8 Star, I think it is a bit too sweet and the source need to be a bit thicker. In general I would put a 4-4.5 Star for the food and restaurant itself. What brings down is the waitress, she never asked-us if we need peppers, never asked us if we need refill of water, which she asked the other two tables beside us several times. The manager eventually made up that by come check in with us. In general I would give a 3.5 Star.

  • en

    jordan cuddy


    Great atmosphere, great food. I really enjoyed my apple cider mule cocktail and the dessert of peanut butter banana crepes.

  • Julian Stocker

    Julian Stocker


    Delicious food with good atmosphere. Friendly staff. Street parking with a few spots around back.

  • Michel Chriqui

    Michel Chriqui


    We live down the street from this restaurant. After almost two years since it opened, we finally came for brunch on Sunday. We’re so glad we did. The food and service was outstanding. We definitely will come back and make Ada’s one of our repeat destinations.

  • Ruth Williamson

    Ruth Williamson


    Dinner for two one night, and Sunday brunch for 3 generations, both recently. Food is delicious. Each serving was the epitome of the dish, presented without fanfare--which is refreshing in this foodie town. Service is welcoming and efficient but not intrusive--again, so refreshing! A comfortable ambiance that allows for conversation, with screens in the bar only. Go with friends and enjoy!

najbliższy Restauracja

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