Ace Nails in Hasbrouck Heights

Vereinigte StaatenAce Nails


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199, Boulevard, 07604, Hasbrouck Heights, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 201-288-1435
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.8616529, Longitude: -74.07892

kommentare 5

  • LeeAnn Paladino

    LeeAnn Paladino


    Are you kidding me? I called for a price 65.00 for an acrylic fill and pefi....hell no !!!

  • Haylee Vangeldren

    Haylee Vangeldren


    I had an amazing experience with them!!! They were so kind and helpful! And I got exaclty what I wanted!!

  • Margeaux Chase

    Margeaux Chase


    I was visiting from out of town and needed to get my nails done for a wedding. They do a fantastic mani and pedi. I highly recommend them!

  • en

    Andrea Juliano


    Absolutely the best! I️ moved to N. Jersey in March and I️ tried multiple nail salons in the area and none of them compare to this place. Staff is so kind and they never turn you away even if busy or about to close. I’m very picky when it comes to my nails and I️ walk out with my nails looking perfect every time !

  • Sabrina Foley

    Sabrina Foley


    The ladies at ace nails are so kind and gentle. They have very steady hands. People might tell u differently but when I walk out my nails look amazing. I truly recommend Ace Nails. Especially the one in Garfield NJ

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