Accurate Pest Control en New York

Estados UnidosAccurate Pest Control



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60, Pelican Circle, 10306, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 866-236-0944
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.55833, Longitude: -74.112261

comentarios 3

  • en

    John Nassour


  • en

    Nicole Jameson


    I had a roach problem. I remember 1 of my neighbors recently having the same problem. She raved about the exterminating company she used. I called Accurate and they came the next day. Whatever they did worked. It has been a month and no sign of the ants. Thank you everyone from Accurate Pest Control!

  • en

    Nick Webber


    Sunday night we were going to bed when we saw in our living room a mouse run across. Needless to say we didn't sleep well that night. I called my brother-in-law knowing he had just had an exterminator at his home for squirrel removal. He raved about this company and gave me their phone number. I called and spoke with Greg on Monday morning. I told him how my wife was scared and we have a 1 year old child. Greg was understanding and was nice enough to fit us into day. Greg came over in the afternoon on my wife's lunch break and laid down the traps. 2 hours later we saw the mouse go into the trap. I phoned Accurate and they sent Greg over on his last stop of the day to collect the trap. I would without a doubt use this company for any further pest control problems I have. They were beyond courteous to me on the phone at all times. Showed up promplty when they said they would and they did their job. Thank you Greg.

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