Accurate Alarm Systems Corporation i Ridgewood

Forenede StaterAccurate Alarm Systems Corporation



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680, North Monroe Street, 07450, Ridgewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-493-7111
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.0009289, Longitude: -74.1309513

kommentar 2

  • en

    Bill Wilde


    One of the best customer experiences I've had. I wish I had been with them from the start. I previously had fire system monitoring with a big company that advertises everywhere. But their service personnel were inept, the customer service was atrocious, and they wanted a five-year contract. So I switched to Accurate Alarm. On short notice they fixed the problem in my system so I was able to pass inspection. (The other company said they weren't sure what the problem was, but maybe the motherboard, and they would have to send another technician out. But Accurate found the problem right away: it was just a wire shorted out.). Best of all, I got great personal service from Accurate.

  • Ilana Cohen

    Ilana Cohen


    Great experience! Ed and his team installed our state of the art system and it did not break the bank. Very professional, efficient and dedicated. We would definitely recommend Accurate Alarm Co.

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