AC Hotels by Marriott Kansas City Westport w Kansas City

Stany ZjednoczoneAC Hotels by Marriott Kansas City Westport



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560, Westport Road, 64111, Kansas City, Jackson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 816-931-0001
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.0522805, Longitude: -94.593547

komentarze 5

  • Taylor Allison

    Taylor Allison


    The rooms are super nice! It's located in a good area with plenty of things to do within walking distance. The only downfall is their breakfast. Nothing wrong with the quality but not many options to choose from.

  • Matt Heck

    Matt Heck


    I'm a big fan of this modern hotel. Clean and unique interior. Just steps from Westport and an easy rode to the stadiums. Highly recommend staying here if you plan on going out on the town in the evening. Free parking is a plus.

  • Amber Doty

    Amber Doty


    Everything was clean and modern. The scent in the lobby was overwhelming. The staff wasn't very friendly, and it definitely isn't kid friendly.

  • en

    Deanna Coleman


    Calling to make my reservation was great; the woman was super nice. When I called back to ask a question, the second receptionist was incredibly rude and treated me as if I was inconveniencing her. When we checked in, the night clerk was incredibly polite. That's where the niceness ends. The rooms are classy, but poorly designed. The bathroom door doesn't shut all the way, so if you're sharing a room with someone, that makes it weird. The bed was comfortable, but out of the three lamps in the room, only one had a light bulb in it. The other guests are inconsiderate, as they find it acceptable to yell in the hallway in the morning. When I brought the lamp and rude guest issue to the front desk, the manager politely apologized, but did nothing else to make up for the inconvenience. I travel a lot, and I enjoy trying new hotels. If this is what the Marriott chain finds acceptable, then I will certainly find a better hotel chain with which to give my loyalty.

  • Mary Feldmann

    Mary Feldmann


    Very nice hotel. Done in a European flair. Nice lounge, super clean rooms, lobby. The help was great, printed maps for us, and made sure we were comfortable. Good location for restaurants, shopping and close to the Plaza.

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