Absolutely Automotive i Highland

Forenede StaterAbsolutely Automotive



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3440, U.S. 9W, 12528, Highland, Ulster County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-691-3720
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Latitude: 41.7378935, Longitude: -73.9619411

kommentar 5

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    David Molloy


    Capable mechanics

  • Perfect Princess

    Perfect Princess


    I had absolutely terrible experience. I took my jeep here for inspection. I was told both my front tires were dry rotted and cracked. They wouldn't pass it on inspection. Tried to get me to pay $500 for two tires. Not only did I not get my tires here but I went somewhere else. I was told my tires are brand new, no cracks, or dry rot anywhere. Passed inspection no problem. I wouldn't recommend absolutely automotive.

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    The ownership stands behind the quality of their work. I have been going to Absolutely Automotive for a few years and when I recently had a problem the owner was professional and quickly resolved the issue.

  • Clifford Parmeter

    Clifford Parmeter


    Great guys & great service. I had severe engine problem and they quickly had it resolved and were able to work within my means.

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    Cherri Sorge


    Fast service cheap prices & they honor coupons

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