Able Air Conditioning & Heating en East Rockaway

Estados UnidosAble Air Conditioning & Heating



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70, Front Street, 11518, East Rockaway, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-764-4300
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.63743, Longitude: -73.660198

comentarios 5

  • en

    Harry Ch


    Very honest and quick to respond. Excellent work and customer service. Highly recommend!

  • en

    Michael Costanzo


    Used Able Air for over 6 years. Very neat professional installation and when I did have a problem they have been very responsive. Brian and his crew are professional and easy to deal with. Highly recommend!

  • Jennifer Bailin

    Jennifer Bailin


    Able Air Conditioning is great. I have been using Able Air ever since they replaced my boiler a couple of years ago and now my AC unit. Excellent service and the owner, Brian is super knowledgeable and reliable. I recommend Able Air Airconditioning to everyone I know with HVAC needs.

  • en

    Maria Johnson


    I highly recommend this company! My parents had an issue with their Ac unit we called them a little after midnight and the owner Brian was there within 30mins. He came fixed the unit for them and the experience couldn't have been more pleasant. I will continue to use them from here on out. Amazing company and owners!!!

  • en

    Andrea Lehman


    I have nothing but good things to say about this company and their employees! I needed emergency service at 4am and they responded within a half hour! And even at that early morning hour they were pleasant and efficient! I have since signed up for a service contract with them and and am confident that the excellent service will continue.

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