Abasolo Restaurant i Houston

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterAbasolo Restaurant



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1822, North Main Street, 77009, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 713-228-3344
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Latitude: 29.7761453, Longitude: -95.3609337

kommentar 5

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    Ruben Diaz


    Fast, friendly service, cheap lunch menu.

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    Polo Lara


    I though i could give this place a 2nd chance, but very disappointed, their red sauce tasted spoiled, found egg shells in me food, music was too loud early in d morning, i asked if they could turn it down, n was ignored. Found hair in menudo, n a bitten tortilla rolled up in my ships. Wont go there again to spend my money.

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    rick wyliee


    Great food but very slow service

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    Rod Keels


    Good Mexican fare at a very reasonable price. The breakfast menu is very good. They serve excellent breakfast tacos at $1.50 each. Two of these tacos, a cup of coffee and l'm good to go. 😊 The wait staff is friendly and attentive.

  • Jess Aurand

    Jess Aurand


    Delicious, hole-in-the-wall restaurant. It was not too busy when we went, and the prices and food were amazing.They had a few different drinks available that looked amazing. For the price of fajitas for two people, the amount of food was huge. We both ate our fill and took some home. We will be returning.

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