
🕗 horarios

12-55, River Road, 07410, Fair Lawn, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-300-6275
sitio web: www.abainsuranceagency.net
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.932981, Longitude: -74.1323503

comentarios 5

  • Elisabeth McDonald

    Elisabeth McDonald


    Was referred to ABA from Dave Ramsey and had a very good experience. Communication was very quick and clear - I was able to get all my questions answered easily. They weren’t pushy which I REALLY appreciated! Just did their job well. I also shopped around for car insurance on my own, at State Farm, Progressive, Geico, but ABA gave me the best value through MetLife by far.. the coverage was much more comprehensive at the same price point. Very glad I used them and have already recommended them twice. I also appreciated the AAA recommendation since it is a better value than using Roadside from MetLife.

  • Alina T

    Alina T


    I was searching for a less expensive quality coverage for a while. Someone recommended to ABA, Bernie specifically. I'm so happy I did. They were instrumental in obtaining a less expensive alternative auto policy. Easy to deal with.

  • Clarisse DeSousa

    Clarisse DeSousa


    Found this agency through Dave Ramsey's ELP. Bernie our agent helped our family save a ton of money on car insurance and obtain an affordable renter's insurance option with huge savings from our current plan. Great customer service, extremely helpful and very responsive.

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    Johanna Delgado


    Found this agency via Dave Ramsey's ELP. Bernie helped me save money on my car insurance and obtain an affordable renter's insurance. (Both combined still put me at a greater savings than my old car insurance policy.) He even signed me up for auto pay and cancelled my old policy. Great customer service, extremely helpful. You get to work with the same person every time, makes things easier and faster.

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    JH O.


    This company is truly a gem! My friend had recommended this company through Dave Ramsey's ELP agents. He told me on how much money that he saved and when everything was said and done, I've saved more than 30% on my car insurance. Bernie was very helpful with fast, simple and easy communication via text and emails. He's certainly on top of his game and he was able to simplify my insurance questions in layman's term. I will definitely be referring them to my friends and family as well. I will also keep them in mind for my house insurance in the future. Thank you again Bernie and ABA Team!

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