Aaron's w Poughkeepsie

Stany ZjednoczoneAaron's



🕗 godziny otwarcia

645, Dutchess Turnpike, 12603, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-454-3555
strona internetowej: locations.aarons.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.6982419, Longitude: -73.8893756

komentarze 5

  • en

    Amyah Nelson


    Had a bad experience never moved my couch I was receive from the display area so it allow people to sit on it for about a week and I asked if they can remove it and they didn't. 2nd problem I had with this business the deliver guys never called me to tell me that my couch was here and to come down stairs so I really don't know if they tried or not to see if it fit into my door I simple asked them to try the back door and they pretty much said NO. Now I understand I stay on the Third floor but I would tip them with no problem so pretty much no body did there job and now I have no couch cause me thinking I was going to receive a couch I got rid of my old one I'm really disappointed

  • en



    Aarons is the absolute worst place to buy anything from if i could give a lower rating i most definitely would I was informed buy their employees that they take pride in ripping customers off. How sad . THANK GOD FOR MORE REPUTABLE PLACES TO DO BUSINESS WITH. THEY ADD NEW MEANING TO BUYER BEWARE. It is my personal option that when you over charge customers and then tell them you can over charge them because you are a rental center and not a retail store you are ripping them off . When you pay cash for an item you should not be penalized because your not renting it . And if you do rent you still have to pay more in long run than if you bought it in a regular store. They believe in highway robbery again this is in my option.

  • en

    brenda pressley


    My experience at Aaron’s in Poughkeepsie was great. Janet and Matthew were exceptional. They took time to help me find items within my budget. I definitely will go back and purchase something else in the near future!!

  • Destiney Johnson

    Destiney Johnson


    Everyone there is so nice and very helpful!! The manager Matt is awesome!!!! Always go back for more stuff every time.

  • en

    Kim Barnett


    I have been renting a combo washer/dryer stackable unit for about 8 months now. When the dryer went out last Friday, I called Aaron's and was told that someone from their Service Department would call me. When I had not heard anything by Tuesday, I called back. I spoke to Mark and was told that they would replace the entire unit rather than just fix the dryer due to space and time constraints. I explained to Mark that I was going out of town for a week on Sunday and wanted to get the dryer fixed before then so that my kids would not have to deal with it while I was away. Mark said his only opening was on a Friday between 3-7 so I agreed. I made arrangements to work from home that Friday. I called to confirm that there was still a delivery at 2:00 that afternoon (as I had not received any confirmation) and was told 'yes'. At 6:00, I called back as I needed to run to the drugstore. I was told the driver was still out and that if I left the house, they could not schedule another delivery until Oct 3! So my son made arrangements to leave work early so someone could be at the house. I called on my way home at 7:00 to check on the status and was on hold for 25 minutes. I hung up and called back and spoke to Jaime and told her to not put me on hold again! This time she said that they could not get in touch with the driver but that he was still out. I asked what time their store closed and she said 8 but that people would still be in the store. When I asked who I could talk to if I had to call back after 8:00, she said Janet. It is now 8:45 and I have called 3 times since after 8 and there is no answer in the store. I am beyond frustrated and cannot believe that Aaron's treats their customers in this manner. I am calling first thing tomorrow morning and demanding to speak to a manager and have the situation resolved. And then I will try to go to the store in person so I can look Jaime in the eye and find out why she lied to me....

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