Aaron's w Saginaw

Stany ZjednoczoneAaron's



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1029 N SAGINAW BLVD, STE D1, Saginaw, TX 76179, США
kontakt telefon: +1 817-306-3554
strona internetowej: locations.aarons.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8755787, Longitude: -97.3780342

komentarze 5

  • en



    I would not go to this location aarons in general has always done me pretty good however I got a refrigerator from this store and while delivering they put a hole in my wall upon repeated attempts to have my wall fixed they have yet to correctly fix the problem they have caused and are costing me more money out of my pocket. The manager at this location is rude and cares does not care about his customers neither does his employees, while purchasing they refrigerator they only had one sales rep on duty at the time which would not have been a problem if she didn't have her young child up there disrupting the sale that is her job not a day care center. all in all I would still shop at aarons just not this store ever again!

  • en

    James Hair


    Allowed me to get a much needed washer and dryer. Very helpful staff.

  • en

    Kim Malone


    The worst Customer Service experience I've had in a very long time. The Manager at the Saginaw tx location should be given a serious lessons in how to talk to and treat customers. He was extremely rude and did not follow thru with a refund that was to be processed for renting broken appliances .Ive been lied to and ignored,given the run around by this Man and his staff. In an era of Retail stores Dying this Store Manager is certainly helping the Saginaw store along ,with his " I could care less" attitude twords fixing a problem.. Buyer beware of doing business with this location of Aaron's. Terrible Customer Service.

  • Rachael-Sue Blue

    Rachael-Sue Blue


    They work with you quite well. I bought a used TV there. Yeah the TV had to be replaced 3 times because the ones they gave me seemed to always have issues but they were quick to respond and remedy the issues. Be careful when leasing electronics from them. They deliver your furniture for you and help you move of to a new address if you are still paying on it in a lease agreement. Very affordable but of course some interest charges to. My final replacement TV is good enough to keep. And now im getting a new bed. They dont bother you about billing if you pay on time and online. But if you run late they will charge extra like when my uncle and grandmother tried to get stuff here. They always were late on payments

  • en

    Moogle Praga


    I read the reviews and i have no idea what these people are talking about. I bought 2 couches a washer and a dryer, and bed from them. not once in the 2 years of payments have i had a single problem. If i had to be late i called and explained and it was never an issue. 2 Times i have had a family emergency and couldn't pay at all that month and both times they deferred my payment to help me out so i wouldn't lose my furniture. They have always been super nice and helpful. I just finished my last payment this month and i would defiantly recommend this store and go back myself.

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