AA Quality Appliance Repair w Newburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneAA Quality Appliance Repair



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Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
236, South Plank Road, 12550, Newburgh, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-564-0234
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.5313279, Longitude: -74.074667

komentarze 5

  • en

    bob steele


    terrible experience with this organization (one man show) -would not respond to my phone calls after months of phone calls - was trying to fix a microwave - replaced the magnitron but he put another part in backwards (a transformer) and burned the insulation of it (did not call back, come back, nor admit to the mistake). Called Sears Appliance, they diagnosed, turned part around and seems to work great now. People make mistakes, however, knowing about it and not admitting it is the big issue. No wonder he never came back after his shoddy workmanship....would HIGHLY recommend a reputable organization like Sears

  • felix baez

    felix baez


    I had my washer and dryer serviced by them . Great job .I had questions about appliances he was very knowledgeable of things, he wasn't annoyed of my questions about appliances and that's a good thing .

  • Matthew Hodges

    Matthew Hodges


    When we moved in, the (very nice) fridge came with the apartment; the sticking point was, however, that it did not work. The ice machine had been torn asunder, parts above the freezer would leak, and the temperature would never be consistent. Not only that, but the doors would get stuck - locked, really - for minutes at a time. Other folks looked at it. "I've never seen anything like this." AA Quality Appliance Repair fixed it within a single day, once the parts arrived. The gentleman was cordial, efficient, accommodating, and very easy to get in contact with. Any future repairs I need will be done through this service.

  • en

    Mandee Anderson


    Great guy good work fair pricing

  • en

    John Micale, Jr


    as a new home owner in the hudson valley i don't know anyone to ask for a reference when things break. this weekend our dishwasher broke and i went to the brand website for the appliance repair. AA Quality Appliance Repair was so thorough, so effective, so accommodating and so responsive i wanted to highly recommend them to any and all in the lower hudson valley. it is rare to find this kind of service which is much appreciated and valued by people like me. they are worth every dime and are very reasonable. John

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