Aa Discount Auto Sales Inc w Бергенфилд

Stany ZjednoczoneAa Discount Auto Sales Inc



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Бергенфилд, Нью-Джерси 07621, США
kontakt telefon: +1 201-387-7070
strona internetowej: www.aadiscountautos.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9200091, Longitude: -73.9970633

komentarze 5

  • jean elmera

    jean elmera


    I bought a car there and then soon as I got it the next day it broke down this place is absolutely unprofessional unorganized I suggest any person trying to buy a car do not come here these people are robbers and Crooks but a car December 7th and I still haven't received the title and is now January 15

  • en

    Rod Mally


    Beware! It is the worst experience so far with this dealership. I paid cash and they did not register the car for over a month. Secondly, somebody signed my name on the transfer of ownership - forgery. I have to beg them for a new one.. after so many excuses and over a month of waiting for my registration, I register the car myself .. I have to pay the penalty because of late registration. Now , I am collecting my money back I spent for registration and guess what the agent is giving me more excuses again - he is offering 50 bucks then comeback to get the balance once the money is ready. SHAME. Zero star for this dealership.Stay away

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    mark mateo


    Had a very good experience at AA DISCOUNT AUTO SALES my sales guy CARLO saved me a lot of money on my car. Great deal!!! Highly Recommended

  • en

    Russel Manalang


    There is not a lot of car dealer like this anymore. I went to a few places some big dealers and some small ones. This is the Only places that treated me with respect, listen , and gave me what i actually needed and wanted, helped me with my budget issues. 5 stars not enough for the help that i got from Carlo. And by the way Im very happy with the car as well. Big Thanks !!!!

  • Daniel Johnson

    Daniel Johnson


    Avoid this dealership at all costs. Bought a car two months ago - they have yet to give me the title, I cannot register the car, and I call everyday and they lie to me and give me the run-around. The second temp is about to run out and I will have a car I can't drive. Crooks!

najbliższy Dealer samochodowy

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