A-MAX Auto Insurance en Euless

Estados UnidosA-MAX Auto Insurance



🕗 horarios

203, West Euless Boulevard, 76040, Euless, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-358-0000
sitio web: www.amaxinsurance.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8365739, Longitude: -97.0847867

comentarios 5

  • taylor



    I love this company they helped me out I'm in a bind an shital, Cynthia helped out so much shout out to these wonderful ladies today y'all are the greatest!!!!

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    Claude Nkurunziza


    Cynthia doing great job to me, she's good in customer service. She explain to me nicely. I appreciate. She make me change assurance company today. God bless her in her life.

  • en

    Maria T.


    Both agents at this amax are good and very helpful, specially Cynthia she took great care of me helping me find a cheap price for my policy. She takes her time looking but I guess that is okay for the price she gave me. Will definitely recommend this Amax to friends and family

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    ashley aguilar


    Felt like Cynthia was just telling me what I wanted to hear to hurry up and get me out of the office. Example. I signed up on the 9th , but didn't need policy to start till the 19th. I Asked more than once will my bill be due on the 19th every month and she said yes. Well my bill is due on the 9th. Called and asked why she said I could still pay on the 19th with no late fee. and what do you know. I'm paying a late fee.

  • Jackie Garza

    Jackie Garza


    I was referred to this location by a coworker and I purchased my car insurance everything was fine. I had an issue come up and had to reinstate my policy everything was fine. Went online to see what my October payment would be for my policy and come to find out that hmm my policy was canceled three days after my payment was made and I have the confirmation email to show the payment was made. Trying to contact someone at the location is very difficult considering the hours that I work, and not receiving any kind of notifications regarding that my policy was going to be canceled, and I contacted the local office and spoke with a lady that told me everything was fine and now here we are a month later and everything is not fine.

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