A Friendly Inn At Harvard w Cambridge

Stany ZjednoczoneA Friendly Inn At Harvard


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1673, Cambridge Street, 02138, Cambridge, Middlesex County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 617-547-7851
strona internetowej: www.afinow.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3752641, Longitude: -71.1108262

komentarze 5

  • Bill OLeary

    Bill OLeary


    Came home to Boston for my birthday. Was looking for a place near Harvard Square. For the price and location A Friendly Inn was the right choice. This house is amazing. I'm still trying to figure out how they got so many amazing rooms into this 3 story house. The people working here are warm and friendly. I definitely will be back.

  • Katarina Antolovic

    Katarina Antolovic


    From the reviews, I knew this place wasn't updated, but I wasn't expecting the condition the rooms were in. My room had a quite dirty looking shower, a very uncomfortable mattress, and hair was everywhere (including inside the mini fridge). My card was charged two days into my 5 night stay, which is also quite uncommon. The one thing that made me the least comfortable during my stay was that the door to the room did not have a deadbolt or any way to lock it from the inside aside from the lock on the door knob. As another reviewer said, it is worth it to just pay a bit more elsewhere.

  • Nina Kulawik

    Nina Kulawik


    I really recommend this small hotel, for people enjoying a cozy room with simple amenities. I (35, f) was there for five nights during a business trip. I felt very safe and slept very well. Everything in the room as well as in the tea room and kitchen was very clean. The bed was comfortable with a harder matress, which I definitely prefer instead of the often very soft ones in the US. I like the cozy "grandma-feel-at-home" style with the older furniture and carpets with flowers. Although it might seemed a little aged, everything was kept in good condition. I enjoyed beeing able to have tea, coffee and water at all times in the coffee room. There is also a microwave and toaster in the community kitchen. The house itself is old and in some parts narrow. You might hear someone walking on the old wooden floors. It was, however, always very quiet and everyone I met from the staff, from the front desk to the cleaning personal, was very nice and accomondating. The price is very fair for the hotel and location, just a few minutes by foot from Harvard Square, the metro and Harvard Business School. I had a very pleasant stay at The Friendly Inn and would definitly come back. Thank you!

  • Marco Maas

    Marco Maas


    Around the Corner of Harvard Campus. Has seen better days - it's unrenovated. Small narrow stairs, old carpet on the floors. No breakfast but a room with Coffee and Tea. Cleaning Service every two days. Very noisy fridge. At my time of stay the rate was 199 USD/night - which is too much for what you get. Very nice Chinese Family Business.

  • Krizia Delgado

    Krizia Delgado


    Stay away. This hotel is highly overrated and overpriced. There are several big issues. The rooms stink of a mixture of dirt and toxic chemicals, and they are quite dirty. The walls are paper thin, I could even hear my neighboor's snoring and conversations at night and it was hard to sleep. They do housekeeping every other day and in my case, they forgot. So out of four days I only had my room cleaned once. It would be good to display this in advance, as having daily housekeeping is essential. Staff is not so friendly either, I had a heavy lugagge and had to carry it by myself all the way to the third floor. All I wanted was a hand, and the guy just rushed out to avoid helping me. Also no breakfast. All in all I really regret staying here, I would have paid more if I had known the reality.

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