A Cottage in the City w Sayville

Stany ZjednoczoneA Cottage in the City



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2, Main Street, 11782, Sayville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-567-0828
strona internetowej: www.acottageinthecity.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7359113, Longitude: -73.0822879

komentarze 5

  • en

    Arlene O


    Sara (the owner) is the BEST!! Sara has such unique and charming items for the perfect country home. Go to, A Cottage in the City and see what I'm talking about! Sara is quick to respond to any questions or situations. Again, I just love this site!

  • Crissy McWeeney

    Crissy McWeeney


    A Cottage in the City- This store is a wonderful sensory adventure...especially if you are a home decor nut, like myself. I can't walk out of this place emtpy-handed because of the beautiful items they have. I also absolutely adore the owner she is very warm and kind ( and has amazing taste) which makes shopping in her store lots of fun!

  • Julia Lloyd George

    Julia Lloyd George


    Sara & co. are absolutely lovely people who respond promptly to orders and questions - they have fantastic customer service and I highly recommend them!

  • en

    Joni Micklos


    Loved loved love A Cottage in the City! I would give it an A++++++. Great experience working with Sara who is the owner. I had an item on back--order and she is SO quick to respond to emails and phone calls! I will definitely be purchasing from this charming online store Customer Service is huge to me and Sara goes ABOVE and BEYOND! Amazing store!

  • en

    Melissa Loprire


    So unique, and so perfect for that special gift and home decor item! The owner is wonderful and has such a talent for finding special pieces. I found out recently the owner also specializes in custom events and rentals... Definitely something to check out!

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