A All Plumbing Heating And Air Conditioning w Lynbrook

Stany ZjednoczoneA All Plumbing Heating And Air Conditioning


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

104, Union Avenue, 11563, Lynbrook, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-790-2907
strona internetowej: plumbing.li
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.650918, Longitude: -73.674184

komentarze 5

  • Craig Simak

    Craig Simak


    I found A All Plumbing on Facebook marketplace while in a jam with my central A/C not working on a 90 degree saturday. Robert was here within an hour. Not only did he fix the problem within 30 minutes and charge me half of what I was expecting, he had me laughing the entire time he was here. Super cool guy, very knowledgeable and reasonable.

  • en

    Michael Moser


    this company is the real deal... nobody could help me configure my A/C air filter return due to the 1950's configuration and after being told that my idea wasn't possible, the owner Robert figured it out for me and the installation was perfect. Great company, courteous and responsive and available! Would not hesitate to use again.

  • en

    Vanessa Lvovsky


    Amazing! Our ac broke just now on a Saturday night and we were in despair, especially because we have 2 small kids and it’s hot and humid out tonight. Robert came within the hour and fixed the problem in less than an hour. Oh and did I mention it’s memorial weekend too? A-All pluming goes the extra mile for his clients and he saved us and my family. Forever grateful and will DEFINITELY use again in the future.

  • en

    Paul B


    Rob at A-All Plumbing and Heating is Truly A Master at what he does! I had at least 4 other HVAC people come to Diagnose my Central Air/Heat & Thermostat issue. Rob came and figured it out in less than an hour! This is the Company you want for all your plumbing, heating and cooling needs! I went thru Many to find The One!

  • en

    Bill Hansen


    Plumber with integrity. Rob was able to diagnose and fix my boiler in less than an hour. He was very intuitive, able to isolate the problem, and get the heat back on. Some of the neatest plumbing I've ever seen- did not make a mess. Clearly takes pride in his work and is a skilled craftsman. Planning on using him again in the future.

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