8oz Burger & Co in Seattle

Vereinigte Staaten8oz Burger & Co



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1401, Broadway, 98122, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakte telefon: +1 206-466-5989
webseite: 8ozburgerandco.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 47.6131159, Longitude: -122.3209749

kommentare 5

  • Matthew Sutherlin

    Matthew Sutherlin


    Classic Cheeseburger and fries. Really good food. It was on special for $10 so it was even better than usual. Nice crispy fries. Burger patty was cooked well. Hamburger bun was a little dense for my preference but tasted good. Would go again.

  • en

    J Eliz


    I can not stress the importance of going to 8oz burger.... Unbelievable burgers, hands down some of the beat gourmet burgers you'll ever taste. The build your own burger option is great for combining unique ingredients for a one of a kind burger. But honestly their house burgers are tough to beat too. And if having smackin burgers wasn't enough they have the best damn boozy shake I've ever had......ever. seriously eat there and thank me later.

  • en

    Julianne Osborn


    I got a take out burger here my very first night in Seattle, after being awake for far too long and being ravenous! Despite my hunger, I rate my food experience a 3. And that's being generous. I got the classic 8oz burger and while it was good, it was not a life altering experience like I had hoped. And the fries (DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THE TRUFFLE FRIES) were dry, crunchy, and did not taste of truffle at all. I smelled the truffle oil in the air as I carried my takeout bag home, but alas upon eating the fries, there was 0 taste of truffle. Someone needs to rework that recipe. The garlic chunks that come on the fries were the only worthwhile part of that. I say if you're a foody and food is your life and you get real excited by this burger hype, skip the 8oz and try a different burger. I wish I had!!!

  • Jon Klein

    Jon Klein


    The food was good. I did not like the customer service. Their happy hour menu requires a drink. Regardless of the party size. Everyone must order one. You pay your bill out in front of the server on a phone. This puts pressure on you to tip in front of them.

  • Steph



    8oz Burger & Co is a decent burger joint with a nice atmosphere. The service was good. The happy hour prices were great! Being a Canadian, we weren't used to the burger being cooked at a medium-rare, but my hubby said he enjoyed his meal. I ordered a poutine, which came to the table cold and tasted quite underwhelming. I could not finish it.

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