88 Beauty Nail Spa Inc. en New York

Estados Unidos88 Beauty Nail Spa Inc.



🕗 horarios

7515, Amboy Road, 10307, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-966-6172
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5093165, Longitude: -74.246563

comentarios 5

  • en

    Stella Mancuso


  • katrina boos

    katrina boos


    !!!!!!This place is TERRIBLE!!!!!!!! By far the most WORST expirence I have ever had. The lady filed the side of my nails in so narrow that it's painful when I put pressure on my finger tips, she shaped my nails so crooked and sloppy they were pointing up and lifting off of my nail. And blamed my finger for being "crooked" Not to mention the tools and gloves were filthy and not sanitized! I went to work and the following morning I came in and asked her to fix them since I paid $40 and thought I would treat myself for my birthday, she said no and started screaming and getting loud all because I asked her to fix what she did. What a waste i soaked my hands at home and took them off. Sorry for ranting I just want to get my point across, DO NOT GO HERE!

  • en

    Mary Valente


    Always make me feel welcome!

  • Gissette Rodriguez

    Gissette Rodriguez


    Love Love Love first visit I finally found a perfect place 💞💅🏼💞 the entire staff so friendly and they made sure you are relaxed

  • Joan Wagner

    Joan Wagner


    Staff is very attentive and friendly. I never feel rushed. It's a very relaxing experience.

Salón de belleza más cercano

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