800 Degrees w Las Vegas

Stany Zjednoczone800 Degrees



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27180, S. Ls Vegas Blvd, 89109, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-761-7000
strona internetowej: www.800degrees.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.14234, Longitude: -115.157402

komentarze 5

  • en

    John Bird


    This spot is a fantastic find. Top-notch pizza at a reasonable price! Worth the walk in the 100deg heat for this place. Try the Angry Bee. Perfect mix of heat and sweet on a thin crust.

  • Vishal Pathik Gupta

    Vishal Pathik Gupta


    This place gets neglected because of it's new location which is in the end of the strip. The service feels a little deteriorated from last year when the experience was in complete different level and the bar was set high. Though they have limited choices on the menu, the food is great. In some occasions wood burned pizza gets a little hard to chew but in general you would have a good experience. I used to be a regular here and if you are living on the strip take the shuttle bus as it's at no additional cost to travel down here any number of times. I still miss the location they had near metropolitan. I would still visit again.

  • Dennisse Anaya

    Dennisse Anaya


    This hand crafted pizza place has some of the freshest ingredients. The pizza is flash cooked at 800° for 90 seconds in the huge wood-fire oven. You walk-in choose your toppings, they flip the dough in the air and cover it with some of the finest cheese and perfect amount of veggies. It’s always baked to perfection.

  • Darren Wicks

    Darren Wicks


    Pizza perfection! Hands-down the best pizza in Vegas and some of the best pizza I've eaten in the USA. It's an assembly line type experience. Watch them hand stretch your pizza base. Then, move down the line and choose your toppings. A word of advice – don't overload your pizza – simplicity is best. They cook to perfection in a woodfired oven and the results will surprise and delight your taste buds. *****

  • Andy Paulos

    Andy Paulos


    I think 800 Degrees Pizza is probably the best selection in this Resort. All the other food was so expensive and your portions were very small. At this Napoleon Style make your own pizza place they have a very wide selection of specialty pies and build your own style pies. They also have a great selection of salads that were much larger than I thought they were. I ended up getting a Greek salad and the house special pie. The Coke machine is also terrific where you can mix flavored root beer or dr. Pepper or Sprite. My only gripe about this is how old it is where I'm from app I like this is usually $8 and the paying $18 for 1. But what can you expect it's Vegas

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