52 Ten Nails & Spa Inc i Carmel Hamlet

Forenede Stater52 Ten Nails & Spa Inc



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486, New York 52, 10512, Carmel Hamlet, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-225-5808
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.453992, Longitude: -73.6709325

kommentar 5

  • matthew murphy

    matthew murphy


    The worst experience ever!!! Not only do they have the prices displayed such as a mani/pedi but then charge you seperate even when the price displayed is for both. They didnt even do a good job. My wife and I will never ever ever ever go back there again. A waste of money.

  • Lizz



    They are shears accommodating. Clean place, friendly staff, lots of choices of colors and services

  • jennifer lee

    jennifer lee


    Love them!!! The absolute best!! Wouldn't go anywhere else!!! So friendly and my nails last forever!!

  • Ace



    Nice staff, very clean, great color options. A little expensive. Pedicure polished one visit wasn’t the best. Too bad I get home from work most days so late otherwise I would continue going to this location. Bonus card when you go a certain amount of times you get money off a service. Gift certificates available, men know this because they were lining up to pick up Mother’s Day gifts lol.

  • Nicole Winston

    Nicole Winston


    Jenny is the best!! All the staff are so wonderful there. I travel from Poughkeepsie just to have my nails and feet done.

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