508 Bar & Restaurant w Minneapolis

Stany Zjednoczone508 Bar & Restaurant



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508, North 1st Avenue, 55403, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 612-339-0036
strona internetowej: www.bar508.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 44.9802749, Longitude: -93.2741599

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ryan Larson


    Color me unimpressed. Stopped in last night after a meeting for dinner. Place was pretty much empty so it was easy to find a booth. Our server was adequate, not over friendly and she was on point when it came to getting us food and drinks. I had ordered the philly and it was underwhelming. The garlic fries were pretty good though. My wife had ordered the chicken avocado sandwich and I have to admit that it was pretty tasty. We ordered a couple of drinks and I would suggest to anyone not to waste their money here drinking. Expensive and watered down with tons of ice. The restaurant/bar has a cool layout but the pricing and food & drinks just aren't worth it.

  • en

    Imene Dominique


    Just left...sat down for 10 mins and no one..No One came to our table. Seemed to be tons of staff up and down, 2 servers passed our table. We had to approach the bar to order drinks. Received VERY watered down whiskey/ginger ale ..mmm chlorine in the mouth. We will not be returning, headed down to the next bar The Loon Cafe, yes service right away! Only positive the pleasant bouncer at the door.

  • N Suvor

    N Suvor


    There is no cover. Good drinks. The dj is always wonderful. Great atmosphere. I always start my night here.

  • en

    Shawn Pulera


    Had the opportunity to visit this bar while in Minneapolis for a work event. The service was great even though it was packed and the food was delicious. Will definitely go back next time I am in the area.

  • Jacqui Vanschaick

    Jacqui Vanschaick


    I went here for lunch with my boss and coworkers, and I hope to go back! I'm pretty picky with what I eat, and usually I have to order my food without something (which many places get it wrong). However, I was informed about the special for the day, a cowboy burger, and chose that. It was delicious! The burger was moist, had bbq pulled pork on it (which I've never combined..great combo!), and had 3 onion rings. It was so high I had to eat 2 of the rings before I could squish it down enough to fit in my mouth. 10/10 loved that burger. My side was sweet potato fries, also good. Waiter was very nice also.

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