5 AM Donuts i Benbrook

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Forenede Stater5 AM Donuts



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8907, Benbrook Boulevard, 76126, Benbrook, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-249-6721
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Latitude: 32.676375, Longitude: -97.4662301

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ashley -


    Honestly Im shocked this place has such good reviews. I went there this morning with my daughter to get donuts for her and for my co workers. I bought a dozen sausage rolls and two chocolate donuts. As soon as I opened the box to eat a sausage roll I could tell I was going to be disappointed. The bread was so hard and tasted like a dried hotdog bun. The sausage was slightly warm but the taste of the bread was so off putting I couldn’t keep eating it. I decided to eat my chocolate donut instead, only for the bread to be just as dry and stale tasting. I felt almost like these items had been sitting out on the counter for days or they fed me something that was clearly not fresh. I threw the donut away and left the box of sausage rolls for my co workers & they all had the same reaction. I tried, but it was a fail. I won’t be going back. The sausage roll breading didn’t taste hot and fresh like they were just baked & the donuts tasted just as old. I went in at 630am so there was absolutely no excuse for dried out food.

  • Lanie Stansbury

    Lanie Stansbury


    Best donuts in Benbrook/Fort Worth area!!

  • Greg Smith

    Greg Smith


    Family run, family friendly place. Delicious donuts, sandwiches and kolaches!

  • en

    C Gallegos


    Always a pleasure coming here. The friendly family owned business is a Benbrook staple. Get the jalapeno sausage rolls!

  • en

    Marie Giasson


    I love this donut shop. The owners are very friendly and their donuts are really good and best sausage rolls around. I have taken the sausage rolls to work a few times and everyone in my office raves about them and wonders where I get them. Very good variety.

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