3 Black Cats Café and Cakery w New York

Stany Zjednoczone3 Black Cats Café and Cakery



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3, Belmont Avenue, 11212, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-425-9494
strona internetowej: www.3blackcatscafe.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.668568, Longitude: -73.910066

komentarze 5

  • Corey Ashley

    Corey Ashley


    Great "chill" spot that's in the cut. Nice bakery and collaboration area for conferences and parties.

  • Rough & Rosey Thompson

    Rough & Rosey Thompson


    Huge real estate to accommodate large event, modern decor and trendy. Food is great!! Also have vegan desserts. Service was ok. Always find parking, wheelchair accessible. Private room for conferences, parties etc.

  • en

    Terrence Floyd


    Nice decor, enjoyable environment, food and service.............EXCELLENT

  • en

    Katherine Carrion


    Okay so , for starters . I absolutely love this place . And everything I usually get from there is perfect . But for some reason today the chicken I ordered took almost a half hour to be brought to me and I ordered fried chicken which usually looks small and is so delicious and crunchy . I ordered fried chicken again and when I got home the pieces were very big and tasted like they wasn’t fully cooked through and through . Again, like I said . I love this place , this is the first time I’ve ever had a problem. I just wanted to address it so it can be brought to their attention that even if I have to wait 30 mins , just please make sure stuff like this is being thoroughly done . It sucks that I didn’t get what I was looking for but it wouldn’t stop me from coming back . Thank you !

  • en

    D Bynum


    This spot was to my liking the cake was not however it did not take from the event that was held there that night. I did enjoy the Pleasant hospitable customer service I received. Pricing is moderate and for the area it's doable. I will return for a fresh not frozen or need to be thawed piece of vanilla cake within the next week. Kudos to you guys keep grinding.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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