27 Club Coffee w Cleveland

Stany Zjednoczone27 Club Coffee



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1215, West 10th Street, 44113, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 216-727-0027
strona internetowej: www.27clubcoffee.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.4999237, Longitude: -81.7034899

komentarze 5

  • An Pham

    An Pham


    It's a cute cafe that serves both caffeinated and alcoholic drinks. Nice place for a date or to hang out with friends. They also serve a good selection of breakfast, sandwiches, pizzas, and more. I got the hot chicken sandwich, the all day cinnamon rolls, and the black swan mocha espresso. I also included a picture of the breakfast sandwich. The espresso was the best part. Unfortunately, the chicken sandwich was a bit soggy, and the cinnamon rolls were a bit hard, but all in all a decent meal.

  • Steven



    This place was spectacular decorated for Christmas. All the pink and black decorations and they even had some out for guest to help decorate. I went here for lunch with a friend. Of course I had to try the pink latte iced! It was pretty good and I like the pink idea. I was debating on a few menu items but I decided on the hot chicken sandwich. It came with a kale side salad that was great and tasted fresh! The hot chicken sandwich was flavorful. It did have a kick to it but it was not overpowering. I don’t like food that’s spicy just for the sake of being called spicy. Healthy me that day thanked myself but unhealthy me wouldn’t have minded some fries. I didn’t see them listed on the menu and I also didn’t ask because it wasn’t that big of a deal to me. For the price point of the sandwich, I guess I was expecting something a little bigger, especially since it was the main item. My friend got a pepperoni flat and it was pretty good. All the workers were extremely friendly and periodically checked on us to make sure we were doing alright and had everything we needed. I will be back to try the chicken + waffle flat as well as attend one of the their coffee tasting events.

  • Latifa Alawadhi

    Latifa Alawadhi


    The place is so cool. The decorations are beautiful. The location is good. It’s crowded in weekends but good in week days. The food and beverages are delicious. You got to try the pink latte! Good place to hangout.

  • David Frattare

    David Frattare


    Great environment with some seriously good food and decent coffee. Chicken and waffles did not disappoint but i wish there was more chicken because it was some of the best i have had in a long time. Nice patio out front as well. Full bar also.

  • Kayla Hunter

    Kayla Hunter


    What a vibe! Is all I can describe it as. The barista was very knowledgeable about my gluten free and vegan needs. They do not have gluten free bread, but they do have other options for food. They were also serving some delicious vegan Tex Mex salads when I was there. They also have treats from Anna in the Raw, which I had her pumpkin cheesecake. It was pretty pricey, but so worth it!! I also had a pink latte, and the pink sugar rim definitely completed the experience. I would recommend just to experience the hip atmosphere!

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