2012 Tattoo w Phoenix

Stany Zjednoczone2012 Tattoo



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1014, North 24th Street, 85008, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-275-4511
strona internetowej: www.facebook.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.459398, Longitude: -112.0308578

komentarze 5

  • en

    Steve Mckiddy


    As a business owner I felt compelled to write a review about this tattoo and piecing shop. The owners Roman and Poloma are there Daily and they are hands on operators it’s pretty Obvious they are very passionate about their Art work and business. The girl Angie is like a world clsss tattoo level Artist.Her work is truly Amazing. There is another cool cat Daniel from Cali Who’s work is also at another level. I’ve been to several tattoo shops. This place is the best tattoo Secret in PHX I give them 10 stars Steve M Day & Night Truck Sales Tempe az

  • en

    David Swartley


    Roman started my sleeve and I guarantee he will be the one to finish it. Angie did my boys and daughters work, Paloma did my wife's piercing. I live in Tartesso but will make that trip everytime. Great studio with great staff.

  • en

    melissahuey Huey


    First of all the lady that did my daughter tattoo was awesome the problem i have is with the owner the lady so my grandkids was in her shop so my granddaughter drop potatoe chips on a accident on her floor she didnt give my daughter time to pick them up instead she goes to a 3 yr old child and snatch the can out her hand so my daughter facetime me to let me know what happen so i told her to just get her kids and leave as im telling her to leave this crazy owner hit my daughter and snatch her phone what kind of business owner is she if my grandkids was a problem she could of ask my daughter to leave but she better thank her lucky stars i wasnt there she was being so greedy wanting the money its sad you have people owning public business's like hers but dont have no dam training in customer service

  • Jacqueline Figueroa

    Jacqueline Figueroa


    Took my boyfriend to get his first tattoo last month and he's already picking out more tattoos!!! He was nervous but Angie made it a smooth ride. Also got my piercing done; loved it Kind people and their tats are exactly what you asked for considering if you explain how it's done of course :)

  • Angie Zapata

    Angie Zapata


    I'm one of the Artist at 2012 and happy to be part of the team. The studio is always clean and we strive to keep our clients happy with quality work at affordable prices. All artists are well rounded in most tattoo styles and techniques. Come and visit us soon!!

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