$1.00 Car Wash i Long Beach

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede Stater$1.00 Car Wash



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1577, East 7th Street, 90813, Long Beach, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 562-591-4259
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.7755498, Longitude: -118.1722663

kommentar 5

  • en

    T B


    This place is awesome. They give you enough time to spray down and scrub. Then allow you to sit there on their lot and dry the car off and wax it. Basic and efficient

  • en

    mac mack


    Can't beat a dollar for a car wash! Five stars because the owner deserves it. If you have a complaint about this place you don't deserve a dollar car wash!

  • Patrick Kimbley

    Patrick Kimbley


    Would've given 5 stars but I didn't like having to buy tokens to wash my car. Otherwise it was good.

  • 6foot6 E

    6foot6 E


    Lots of parking, attendant always on duty and helpful. Helped me get retrieve my car keys when I locked them in the car!

  • Therese Tibbits

    Therese Tibbits


    4 quarters for 3 minutes. Turn the dial for suds, then rinse, then wax. I spent about $5. Then put more quarters into the vacuum machine when you drive out of the bay. Fun!

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