Zuzu's Petals w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneZuzu's Petals



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374, 5th Avenue, 11215, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-638-0918
strona internetowej: www.zuzuspetalsbrooklyn.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6713316, Longitude: -73.9846883

komentarze 5

  • Lucien Van Elsen

    Lucien Van Elsen


    I've been ordering from Zuzu's for years, and the arrangements are always beautiful and thoughtfully done. Delivery is reliable, and they call ahead to make sure they'll be there at a convenient time, when someone is home. Great service all around.

  • Nathalie Defrenne

    Nathalie Defrenne


    Flowers are expensive here, but they are absolutely beautiful and kept well. The entire store is more like a wonderful flower experience than some places that keep their flowers in refrigerators. They even have a backyard which in Spring I bet would be great to sit and hang out in. The lady working the desk was so kind and sweet.

  • en

    cynthia adams


    OMG!!!! Sarah is the best!!! I made a purchase for my Aunt Gladys all the way from Virginia over the phone and the kindness and politeness I received from her was freaking awesome!!!! Thank you so very much, not to mention how lovely the arrangement was!!!! Thank you sooooo much!!!!!

  • Jeff Yablon

    Jeff Yablon


    Look, they're expensive. But they have some of the most beautiful flowers you'll find, and the service is beyond lovely. Highly recommended.

  • Bill McBreen

    Bill McBreen


    This place rocks! I bought flowers for my wife on her wedding day from here and couldn't be happier with the results and service! They have some kind of flower ESP going on - I just told them what type of flowers she likes and in what colors - and a beautiful bouquet appeared right on time!

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