Zoës Kitchen i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterZoës Kitchen



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1055, Metropolitan Avenue, 28204, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-347-5858
internet side: zoeskitchen.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.2131841, Longitude: -80.8350911

kommentar 5

  • Tonia Dellapenta

    Tonia Dellapenta


    This place is awesome! The food was absolutely great! The atmosphere was great. We ate outside and it was wonderful!

  • en

    Lisa Milloy


    We always love a meal at Zoe’s from the little snack boxes to the soups and sandwiches to the full meals. Even the salads are always good. We especially like to go to Zoe’s Metropolitan in Charlotte, NC, because the staff are so wonderful and kind.

  • Glenn Barnette

    Glenn Barnette


    These guys are always so nice to me, every single time. Good food and fast service!

  • en

    Lee Ali


    I had the harrisa salmon pita, really good and authentic, i had it with rice and roasted veggies, both were good especially the veggies were really tasty and healthy. This place serves good Mediterranean cuisine. The only reason I’m not giving them a 5stars is because the pita bread was a little hard and didn’t taste fresh . They should consider making fresh pitas everyday multiple times because pita bread is the backbone to many Mediterranean plates

  • Andrew Merchant

    Andrew Merchant


    This is a great Zoës. The employees are super friendly and have always been very helpful with any ordering/menu questions. One time (out of many visits) the food was not fresh and they fixed it right away when we brought it to their attention. That is the sort of service I can appreciate. The food you eat here generally leaves you feeling full but also refreshed(which is sometimes a hard balance to find). The outdoor seating in the Met is really enjoyable and fun.

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