Zaro's Bread Basket w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneZaro's Bread Basket



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1309, Metropolitan Avenue, 10462, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-518-3969
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.8339072, Longitude: -73.8611235

komentarze 5

  • Ronald Wilson

    Ronald Wilson


    Not a place to get a cannoli from The apple turnovers minus the sugar dusting is tasty. The coffee is good. I'm glad they're back in the community. My Mother loved the eclairs, when I was younger. I got my Moms one.

  • anthony gopar

    anthony gopar


    Great variety of bread and bakery very helpful staff. Near by Parkchester train station. Many shops like Marshals, Macy’s, Zales, Rainbow, Burger King, Popeyes, Applebee’s, and many more

  • en

    Christopher Newman


    Very helpful and friendly staff. Good coffee and pastry. The French baguette is quite good and authentic. The bagels used to be better, now a little bit too light. I think Zaro's like au bon pan has downsized and switched some bread formula to lower costs and they charge more for it. But all in all this is a great place for coffee and a bite to eat or close enough to Starbucks to buy food here and have coffee at Starbucks. Because Starbucks should give up on food. You can't find better bread in this part of the Bronx.

  • Damalis Martinez

    Damalis Martinez


    As I write this it is 30 degrees outside and the store has the door wide open. There is NO ONE here. I came to get a coffee. The latte I ordered in a small size cost more than a cup of Starbucks, but EVEN smaller and absolutely terrible. When I made a worker aware that I was freezing he went and closed the door (THANK GOD!). After which, the manager told him if he was cold he shouldn’t come to work. I told the MANAGER that it was I, a customer, who was cold, that’s it’s freezing outside. He ignored me and said “people will think the store is closed” if the door is not WIDE OPEN....! I can’t speak for the baked goods. But for the coffee, customer service, and management, it’s absolutely terrible. It’s a shame as Zaro’s was previously such a staple in the Parkchester vicinity. I hope it isn’t ran into the ground by poor management.

  • en

    AlwaysFirst Class


    Zaro's TO GO layout in Parkchester is perfect for their new location. The food looks, smells and taste deliciously fresh. The staff is pleasant and receptive to pleasing your palette. Just steps from the old location. Enjoy!!!

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