Zack's Home Improvement w North Bergen

Stany ZjednoczoneZack's Home Improvement



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6310, Granton Avenue, 07047, North Bergen, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-723-7202
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7966857, Longitude: -74.0228374

komentarze 5

  • en

    William Browne


    Overall pleased with Willy and his crew. I had them do a significant amount of work for me over the past 18 months. The work included the complete demolition and rebuild of 2 bathrooms, removal of kitchen floor - new ceramic flooring and backsplash in kitchen and removal and installation of new hardwood flooring throughout my apartment. They were courteous, clean and very easy to work with.

  • en

    Giampaolo Ienna


    Zack and Willie are the best of the best! Always in time, reliable and honest. I hired them to repair a leak i had in my new home in North Bergen and it took only 2 days. I love the way they took care of me and my new home and I am definitely going to hire them in the near future. Thank you again guys!

  • en

    Nidal Alawi


    Extremely pleased. They did commercial work for me in Wayne NJ at first. I loved the exceptional job so I hired him to remodel my house in Hoboken. Very professional and clean. They gave me the house of my dreams. The outcome was much better than I expected. Thank you very much and I hope to deal with you again. Recommend this company %100.

  • en

    Sonia Singh


    I recently hired Willie & his team to renovate my basement he did a spectacular job, he saved me a lot of money and was honest through the whole process. The Sheetrock/flooring/paint job looks absolutely amazing. Willie went out of his way with his craftminship and quality. This is my second job with this company, I highly reccomend hiring Zachs home improvement.

  • en

    Audrey Konigsberg


    We hired Zack's Home Improvement company to renovate our basement that was damaged due to flooding. Willie and his crew did an outstanding job in planning the renovation and then proceeded to execute the plans . The work that Willie and his men did included electrical, plumbing, sheetrocking and they finished the work in a timely manner. He also did a magnificent job in leveling and tiling the floor. He came each and every day as promised even in inclement weather. He is a neat and clean worker and is a very polite and responsible man and a pleasure to work with. I would highly recommend him for any work that you need to be done.

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