Z Gallerie in Paramus

Vereinigte StaatenZ Gallerie



🕗 öffnungszeiten

772, Route 17 North Space, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 201-389-0151
webseite: www.zgallerie.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.9729484, Longitude: -74.0796412

kommentare 5

  • Gladys Loaiza

    Gladys Loaiza


  • Tamika Myles

    Tamika Myles



  • Carlos Andres Yépez

    Carlos Andres Yépez



  • haylo3dimaging



    The Manager Chris was very attentive and patient He made myself and my husband feel very comfortable while helping us make choices on some items needed for our home. We traveled from Westchester New York to NJ and it truly was worth the time! As a business owner customer service is very important to hire employees that reflect what your business represents and Zgallerie made an excellent choice hire someone like him..

  • Juan J

    Juan J


    The staff there is very alert, attentive and respectful. From the moment we arrived the Cowayne (I believe that's how you spell his name) and asking us if we needed help, being genuinely friendly. He was going to lunch and stopped to help us but before he left he got us someone to cover him and that was great!! Then to make a long story short Christian came through and just got out items, combines colors for us and then just really hooked it up!! We left satisfied and hope things ever we'll for them. Regarding this other review of 1 star because the store hours were different.......... Really? In either case it's worth going here because the staff is on point.

nächste Möbelgeschäft

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