yum! Kitchen and Bakery w Minneapolis

Stany Zjednoczoneyum! Kitchen and Bakery



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4000, Minnetonka Boulevard, 55416, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 952-922-4000
strona internetowej: www.yumkitchen.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 44.948616, Longitude: -93.33057

komentarze 5

  • en

    Katie Jo


    What a fun spot for breakfast. The cinnamon pull apart was fantastic and the salmon hash had so much flavor. I love the vibe and counter service was seem less. Would most definitely visit again the next time I'm in town.

  • en

    Clairessa Brown


    I had the coconut cupcake and donut muffin. The coconut cupcake topping (its like a marshmallow topping) wasn't terrible but I really wasn't a huge fan of it. The cupcake was cold, hard and very dense. It was more of a cornbread consistency with some type of coconut flavored creme or pudding in the middle or something. The donut muffin was pretty unbalanced. It was like the batter hadn't been mixed thoroughly because of the few bites I had, it could be too salty, or too buttery, or too sweet. Disappointing considering all of the great reviews. 😕

  • A L

    A L


    Finding a seat can be challenging during busy times, but the food is so worth it. The TUNA MELT is the best I’ve had in the state (I’ve had a lot of tuna melts). I also finally got to try the Krabby Patty and it was amazing! And I would be doing a disservice if I didn’t mention the awesomeness of the bakery. Everything here is delicious. I can’t wait to go back again.

  • en

    Reviewer All over


    Well; I actually am familiar with who the owner is. She’s awesome; her restaurant is good wholesome food and the atmosphere is clean which I love. If you’re not much for “kids” while dining this is not the place for you as parents -constantly come here and it seems as though it’s always the parents with a “discipline free” lifestyle so the kids are always bumping into me or just loud and obnoxious when I’m there! Definitely not good for people with anxiety to go during their busy times! Parking is limited but there is a lot across the street for addition parking. The food is delicious - highly recommend their Terragon salad and desserts! Staff’s customer service is definitely lacking. You’ll notice for sure if you’re a regular. If you’re just trying them out for your first time your experience will likely be “hit or miss@ depending on when you go and don’t you dare order anything with one extra instruction in the order or they’ll look at you like you’re a customer from hell and get your order wrong anyway! You get what they give and nothing more/less ...for those prices I’ll go elsewhere to be treated like just “another customer”!

  • Matan Kadosh

    Matan Kadosh


    Nice clean and open space. Plenty of seating both inside and outside the place. The staff is friendly and the food is delicious. Come here for breakfast, brunch, or lunch and you won't be sorry. There is a large selection of dishes with decent pricing. Hope this helps!

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