Yerba Buena Center for the Arts i San Francisco

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterYerba Buena Center for the Arts



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701, Mission St, 94103, San Francisco, San Francisco County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 415-978-2787
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.7856437, Longitude: -122.4021904

kommentar 5

  • Taylor Jackson

    Taylor Jackson


    Great bathrooms in this place. Clean, roomy, quiet. The sink areas are always in good shape: no dirty faucets that don't work, there's a mirror that hasn't smashed, the paper towels are always stocked. They allow the transgender group to decide which bathroom to use by letting them choose which sex they identify with the most. And they can even provide a private restroom to use upon request. Meaning everything listed above is the complete opposite of most public toilets in San Francisco- and you have to pay to use those! I don't know much else about this place except the staff at the reception counter are all pleasant. This place should be where the other businesses open to the public in SF ought to look when needing a model for treating customers with dignity.

  • Eliza Morris

    Eliza Morris


    Truly horrible place with extremely unwelcoming staff. Go to the museum of modern art down the street. They are welcoming and wonderful and much more worth your time.

  • Kezia M.

    Kezia M.


    Enjoyed the free day and the displays. I grabbed this sarong and it made for a lovely picture. Thank you Yerba Buena Center for the Arts.

  • helen pinto

    helen pinto


    Saw Edgar Arceneaux's immerse and powerful piece "Until, Until, Until". Fell into somberness and detail at Yoshai Jusidman's "Prussian Blue". It has changed the way I see that color and it brings me back to the beauty depth of the colors in the show. I am grateful for Space Brainz as I learned about the planning process and obstacles residents, city planners, and developers face when trying to build space for people. I'm also planning to also check out some films at YBCA, I am happy that this center is so accessible.

  • Jerome Frazer

    Jerome Frazer


    A wonderful downtown venue for the arts. The surrounding park is also well worth the visit, especially during a nice sunny day with a picnic lunch. In the summer there are many live music events in the adjacent park.

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