Yauatcha - Waikiki w Honolulu

Stany ZjednoczoneYauatcha - Waikiki



🕗 godziny otwarcia

International Marketplace, 2330 Kalakaua Ave, Honolulu, HI 96815, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 808-739-9318
strona internetowej: www.yauatcha.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 21.2779966, Longitude: -157.8266628

komentarze 5

  • Angela Kneale

    Angela Kneale


    I have a shellfish allergy & only eat at a diff. Sushi restaurant (Yanagi) where they accommodate me on rare occasion I go out. I am a guide who listens to what people like. This is a primo location in busy Waikiki. Most restraunts have a good track record with tourists. Accessible, just expect to spend money.

  • en

    Denise O


    Top notch dim sum! Service was excellent and they give a kamaaina discount. Walked out paying the price of dinner for lunch but I ain't complaining, would go again.

  • en

    jarett mclaughlin


    We were recommended to come here by a staff member. Upon arrival, we were greeted in a friendly manner and seated promptly. The staff were all very helpful, and the food was excellent. I would recommend this restaurant. We had a very good experience here. The staff made us feel important!

  • Lena



    This place may seem pricy for dim sum but seriously it’s totally worth it! It was the best dim sum I’ve had in such a long time... (yes, including Hong Kong) I’m impressed. And I’m sorry for judging it on its American fancy looking outside, thinking it’s just another authentic Chinese food wannabe restaurant... but I was 100% wrong! Amazing food! Not until later did I find out the original London location is actually a Michelin-starred restaurant! No wonder they were so good.

  • Derek Sakamoto

    Derek Sakamoto


    We wanted to try this place in London last year, but unfortunately it was under renovation. I’m glad we found out this place had a location in Waikiki! Their dishes are full of flavor and the service is great. Be sure to try one of their 24 different flavors of tea with your meal! It is a little on the pricer side for Chinese food, though.

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