Wyndham Vacation Ownership w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneWyndham Vacation Ownership


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

3475, South Las Vegas Boulevard, 89109, Las Vegas, Clark County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 702-794-4700
strona internetowej: www.wyndhamvacationresorts.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1197199, Longitude: -115.1723953

komentarze 5

  • es

    Saroj Dutta



  • Jared Media

    Jared Media


    Was promised good seats seats are not good at the corner of venue anything to get you to sit through the two hour seminar The one couple that ended up buying a timeshare got into an argument in the lobby with the company did not look like it well A lot of pressuring as well. There is a $40 deposit but we did get that back it is definitely a to our contract not including travel time or when they feed you Time starts when presentation starts

  • Glenn Schatz

    Glenn Schatz


    So we did the time share thing. We laughed about the idea the week before, but the timing worked and for $150+ in tossins we figured what the heck. We were promise two tickets to a show, two high roller passes and a breakfast. All for 2 hours of out time. At almost exactly 2 hours, it wasn't the right time for us to make that sort of commitment. We politely said we like the idea but just weren't interested. We got our tickets and deposit back and where on our way. The salesman turned pretty rude when we made it clear we werent going to buy that day. But oh well. His manager was nice, and realized if they didn't totally ruin the process for us we might actually consider it in the future.

  • en

    Jay Poole


    One of the worst experiences I’ve ever had! The sales people stop at nothing to pressure you to buy. The promised gifts were never honored. When we didn’t buy we were passed off to another sleazy sales person who left us to find our own way out of the place. Still can’t believe this kind of sales bullying is allowed to go on. Shame on Wyndham!

  • Carlos Ruiz Badilla

    Carlos Ruiz Badilla


    El área fue previamente poblada por agricultores mormones en 1854 y después en 1864 se convirtió en el sitio del ejército estadounidense, empezando con una larga relación entre los sureños de Nevada y los militares del ejército estadounidense.

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