Wyckoff Dental Associates w Wyckoff

Stany ZjednoczoneWyckoff Dental Associates



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615, Wyckoff Avenue, 07481, Wyckoff, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-891-0409
strona internetowej: www.wyckoffdentalassociates.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0092482, Longitude: -74.1735076

komentarze 5

  • en

    k g


    I moved from New York to New Jersey for work and was searching for a new dentist. Dr. Shai Maneer came heavily recommended from a couple of my co-workers and after my first visit I can understand why. Fast and friendly service, no hassle when dealing with different insurance carriers, and the staff is really helpful. This is legitimately the first dentist I don't dread going to!

  • en

    m patel


    I was new to the Wyckoff area and I was in need of a new dentist. After reading reviews and the location being on .5 miles from my place I made an appointment. The entire staff is great. I've visited with Dr. Shai Maneer and she is outstanding. She makes going to the dentist less painful. I can honestly say I'm 100% satisfied.

  • en

    cr b


    I have been to plenty of dentists in my day from moving so much but Dr. Shai Maneer blew my mind with a great experience. I hate going to the dentist and not many people can say differently but this past experience changed my smile forever (no lie). Dr. Shai Maneer was very attentive and thought outside the box and fixed my smile with non traditional methods which have been tried in the past and never worked. I live about 40 minutes away but the work she does is fantastic so I will only go to her from now on. Also the staff at My Dentist Is In - Wyckoff Dental Associatesvery was extremely friendly and inviting and welcomed questions. She made some recommendations that she believed would help. Thanks a ton guys and see you in 6 months.

  • en

    Ditup guy


    I've been meaning to write a review for such a long time and here it is. I was referred from a girlfriend to get my teeth whitening done in My Dentist is in, Wyckoff Dental Associates and it was the best experience I've ever had at with a dentist! Dr. Shai Maneer is very professional, knowledgable, funny, and personable. The treatment itself was only about 30 minutes and it wasn't painful at all. Usually you would have to sacrifice quality for speed but this wasn't the case here! I'd highly would recommend all my friends and family to this dental office. Thanks Dr. Shai Maneer!!!!

  • en

    steve smith


    Wyckoff Dental Associates is by far the best dentist office in New Jersey. The office is beautiful, the location is very convenient, and the staff is extremely professional. One of the things I like most is they have appointment times that always fit my schedule, no over the top costs for cleanings (with insurance). I recommend Wyckoff Dental Associates to anyone looking for a 5 star professional dental experience

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