Woodside Optical w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneWoodside Optical



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61-08, Woodside Avenue, 11377, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-505-1700
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.744717, Longitude: -73.903456

komentarze 5

  • Colleen Sims

    Colleen Sims


    Excellent customer service! Great doctor also.

  • Kyrie Irving

    Kyrie Irving


    Apparently they lost my prescription, due to their computer "crashing". Do not go here, unorganized and incompetent.

  • Terence Harris

    Terence Harris


    Horrible customer service, incorrect prescription, almost out $200, rude owner. I've worn glasses my entire life. I wear them all day, every day. It was time for a new pair. I wend to Woodside Optical and was seen by an optometrist and given, in their own words, a "very slightly" adjusted prescription. They told me my eyes were virtually unchanged. I ordered a new pair of glasses from Warby Parker (a different shop) and when they arrived, I couldn't read, and saw double. I had the new glasses checked, and it turns out they were made to specification, but the prescription I was given by Woodside Optical was VERY different from my old glasses. (Approximately 50% stronger in EACH eye.) I made a follow up appointment at Woodside Optical and was told I would have to pay for another eye exam. When I arrived, I explained the situation and the owner didn't believe me. He then told me he had no record of ever seeing me, so I handed him the prescription written on their own Woodside Optical letterhead. He then found my records and said the new prescription was correct, and that it was almost identical to the old glasses (which I was wearing at the time.) I told him no, it was very different. He ended up taking a reading off the old glasses to compare to the new ones, and then started asking me if I was sure these were the same glasses I had worn the last time I was there. I said, "yes, I only own one pair of glasses." He seemed skeptical, and then had the optometrist see me and issue a new prescription. Afterwards, he did not offer an apology or offer to pay for the new glasses which were useless. I would be out $200 but Warby Parker is replacing them for free even though the mistake was not theirs. At least the owner didn't charge me for the second eye exam. How generous.

  • en

    Yvette E


    Have been a customer for two years. Had to call bc I was trying to renew DMV and have to put in eye examiner name and license #. First person on the phone could not tell if examiner was optometrist or ophthalmologist, and worse didn't seem to know the difference then gave the phone to someone else who then said I had to personally come in to the office to get examiner license # and information as ppl use this to forge things and it is personal information ??? Argued about this on the telephone especially since license # is written on EVERY prescription given by provider. I explained this is not personal or privileged information - I know this as a licensed medical professional myself. Ended up hanging up on idiot and googled the information... which is public record. I called store to tell this idiot I found this information on Google. He tells me good and hangs up. Stupid stupid stupid. Incidentally, not one of two gave me their name... Neither was Roman, who is known to me for excellent customer service and I kept asking for him. You just lost a customer.

  • en

    RoseMarie Wieworka


    I went to Woodside Optical this week and couldn't be happier ! Friendly, courteous and competent staff. Extremely helpful. No problem with my insurance. Got everything I wanted. Very helpful and informative. I highly recommend !

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