Woodland Park Rose Garden w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneWoodland Park Rose Garden



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750, North 50th Street, 98103, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 206-548-2590
strona internetowej: www.seattle.gov
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.6657658, Longitude: -122.3493414

komentarze 5

  • Samantha DeVoir

    Samantha DeVoir


    I am not a huge fan of walking through gardens, but they keep the Rose garden really nice. There are lots of beautiful blooms as well as some bushes and other evergreens. We tend to stop here in the summer as we walk to the zoo from down by Woodland Park. My girls enjoy it and it is free, so why not? I seem to recall they label the plants, but I tend to be chasing after toddlers, so I don't normally have the opportunity to benefit from the labels.

  • en

    Chris Gascoigne


    Visit this place every month of the year! There's always something beautiful to see.

  • Laura Musikanski

    Laura Musikanski


    One of my favorite places in Seattle. Back when people were taking about Pauline’s this place was supposed to be a hot spot. Regardless it’s a lucky serene place where if your lucky you might see a bunny.

  • Catherine Brophy

    Catherine Brophy


    Nice place to stroll through. Great picture taking opportunities. Benches to sit and sip a coffee and enjoy the various types of roses.

  • en

    judy reed


    I love it! I could smell the roses the moment I stepped into the garden. It is not that big, benches were provided to take a break. I went this morning around 11:50am after visiting the zoo. I spent 30 minutes at the Rose Garden taking pictures and resting at the bench simply enjoying the scenery. Not many tourists know about this place. It is at the South Entrance. After that, I walked towards Woodland Park and Green Lake Park. Wear comfortable shoes.

najbliższy Park

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