Wine Cellar & Tasting Room in Las Vegas

Vereinigte StaatenWine Cellar & Tasting Room



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3700, West Flamingo Road, 89103, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakte telefon: +1 702-777-7962
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.1168175, Longitude: -115.1862021

kommentare 5

  • Chuck Bamford

    Chuck Bamford


    Literally the best place in Vegas to experience wine in an outstanding ambiance. Hung is an expert and an entertainer. A must do event.

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    Jodi Wittnebel


    Loved this! The wine selections & flights are spot on. A little pricey but what isn't in Vegas.

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    Kevin Stone


    Talk about a "Dungeon" vibe, we loved it! The walk down the spiral stair into the stone halls was great. The place was dead when we were there, only one other couple in the entire place, so we had our pick of comfy chairs. I was impressed with the wines we were served but I was disappointed how limited the selection was. Not a single Sicilian nero d'avola in the whole basement? Out 10,000 supposed bottles? I was a little shocked. Price was a little high but for a chance to try something truly unique it was worth it.

  • Mike Dean

    Mike Dean


    Perfect, beautiful atmosphere, great selection. If you enjoy wine, you should not miss out on this.

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    Brook Noel


    This was a fantastic visit for wine fanatics and those just looking for something different to do. Went with two friends and we all did a flight tasting. I did red and one friend did white and the other did bubbles. Very informative and fun to look at all the wines. It is a really cool atmosphere and it was a nice way to relax. We went in the afternoon so it was fairly quiet and a nice escape from gambling for a bit.

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