Williams-Sonoma w Southlake

Stany ZjednoczoneWilliams-Sonoma



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172, State Street, 76092, Southlake, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-416-5932
strona internetowej: www.williams-sonoma.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.9421693, Longitude: -97.1319906

komentarze 5

  • en

    Janet Perry


    Great gadgets bt very pricey

  • en

    marirosa hofmann


    I saw there was a Williams-Sonoma in the shopping center and was very happy as I needed some black truffle oil. I went in asked where it was. She showed me then I asked to use the rest room as my stomach was a little upset. The lady directed me to leave the store and go outside to a Porta John on the street from I assume the art festival outside. I said I was not feeling well and did not wish to use a hot Porta John then come back. She said they had no bathroom. I find that hard to believe and you should never send a costumer to leave your store then expect them to come back. I left and was going to go back after using the rest room as I rally wanted and needed the truffle oil that is not sold in many places (especially good ones) but out of principal I could not. I believe it is so rude to ask a customer wanting to buy your goods to find a rest room elsewhere and then want you to come back to purchase your goods. I truly hope they read this and treat customers as they would want to be treated. (Especially when someone is not feeling well). I hope karma finds her in the same rude situation so she treats customers as they should be treated. Very sad as I still need my truffle oil and now need to find another place to buy a good kind.

  • en

    Jere May


    I love to check out the new gadgets and ideas. The food samples are to be coveted. Haha

  • Kelly King

    Kelly King


    Amazing culinary teachers. The spice selection is beyond! The accents to foods are the best

  • en

    Victoria Matthews


    I was not impressed by the customer service at this location. Even with 3 registers open, the line did not move for 20 minutes. No visible urgency or effort was being made to move the customers through the line. There also seems to be an air of judgement and condescension, as if I’m not worthy enough to be shopping there, whenever I’ve asked for help. This is not how to treat customers.

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