Williams & Patterson Family Dentistry w Alexandria

Stany ZjednoczoneWilliams & Patterson Family Dentistry



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5969, Telegraph Road, 22310, Alexandria, Fairfax County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-960-1160
strona internetowej: williamspattersondentistry.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.7872123, Longitude: -77.0890808

komentarze 5

  • Steven Ward

    Steven Ward


    I have been a patient at this practice for over 25 years. Devon is an excellent hygienist! Let me tell you about the hygienist that I was had for years - Devon - I have had many hygienist clean me teeth over the years, but if you want a pleasant experience she is extremely knowledgeable, cleans your teeth well as when any dentist has comes in to do his check, not one comment about they need cleaned more or something needs redone. She is gentle, keeps your mind off of being in a dental office - which I can think of many other places to be at instead of a dentist office, but she puts you at ease. I would highly recommend to request Devon as your hygienist if you go to this office or looking to change to Dr. Williams, DDS dental practice. Be sure to request Devon as your hygienist, you will NOT be disappointed!

  • Courtney Kraft

    Courtney Kraft


    I’ve been going to this practice since I was little; about 25 years now. Staff are always friendly and welcoming, provide helpful reminders of appointments, and deliver high quality services. My dental hygienist explains what she’s doing and why, and is extremely personable. I’ve regularly seen Dr. Williams and Dr. Patterson, and the care provided by both is excellent.

  • Rich Flinchbaugh

    Rich Flinchbaugh


    Always impressed with the expediency of the process and the friendliness of the staff at this office. Even when I come early, I rarely have to wait to be seen. Devin is the best! I used to have nightmarish experiences at the dentist as my gums are quite sensitive and I have section of crowded teeth that need to be worked on with the pick a lot, but I experience zero pain with her. Dr. Patterson is also very friendly and brings a refreshingly honest perspective each time I visit with helpful suggestions on how to do proper preventative maintenance on my teeth and gums which makes things a lot easier.

  • Lucas Saltus

    Lucas Saltus


    Honestly, I haven't had many dentists before but I do feel like this office is well run and certainly one that I would continue to go to for all of my dental needs. Scheduling my appointments over the phone is very simple since the ladies that run the front desk are very personable and on top of everything so I don't feel like its hard to get in to see Dr. Patterson even if it's last minute when I remember I need a cleaning. The dental assistants are very skilled and are very friendly to so it feels very easy and stress free to be there for a cleaning or any dental work being done at all since I feel like I can have a conversation with them while they're doing they're work to make me feel at ease. Dr. Patterson also does a good job of getting around to you very quickly since it doesn't feel like it's more than 5 minutes after my teeth are cleaned that he's able to get to me and let me know how my teeth are looking.

  • Claudette Roulo

    Claudette Roulo


    Dr. Patterson and the team at his office are great. I hate going to the dentist, and they take their time to make sure I am as comfortable as possible. I've had some pretty terrible experiences with dentists in this area, especially with one who refused to believe I could feel everything she was doing as she drilled out a damaged filling, so having a dentist who was willing to wait for the anesthetic to actually work instead of just pumping in more and more went a long way toward relieving my anxiety. He has a good working relationship with my orthodontist, as well. The office staff are friendly and helpful, and the dental hygienists are attentive and skilled. Can't recommend Dr. Patterson highly enough.

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